Summing DataGridView columns using Linq in

How to sum datagrid view using Linq in

Wanna find sum of particular column in DataGridView control ? We can loop through it., wait....

Sometimes Linq statement can do the same efficiently. See the example.

 var gross = from DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows where row.Cells[colAmount.Index].FormattedValue.ToString().Trim().Length != 0 && row.Cells[colAmount.Index].FormattedValue != null select row.Cells[colAmount.Index].FormattedValue;
                var grossVal = gross.Sum(c => Convert.ToDouble(c));

In the above code, we check for null and empty row and then select all the rows which has the value.

The Linq statement return a list, from the List we can run aggregate functions such sum.

Our sum statement is a inline function which convert the string value into number.

In effect we cached all null, string errors.


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