DevExpress Grid Control Print Preview

How to create a print prieview of Grid Control data in DeveExpress

DevExpress Grid control is the easiest way to create table like report. How do I get my print preview ?

GridView class have ShowPrintPreview method which will generate print preview of data. If you are using Grid Control have to Cast the object to GridView first.

     ((GridView) gridControl1.MainView).ShowPrintPreview();

Header and Footer

Report Header, Page Header and Footers can be accessed as follows.

 ((GridView) gridControl1.MainView).OptionsPrint.RtfReportHeader="COMPANY";
            ((GridView)gridControl1.MainView).OptionsPrint.RtfPageHeader =   "PAGE 1";
            ((GridView)gridControl1.MainView).OptionsPrint.RtfPageFooter =   "CREATED WITH DEV EXPRESS";

The Print Preview also let you export print into other formats like PDF,HTML etc


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